Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4

July 4, 1900 hrs. position N 26.06 / W 159.11
Happy Independence Day! Funny thing, I don't think we will see any fireworks from here. Hope everyone is or has enjoyed the holiday. Not much to report from this end. We are still sailing as close to North, 360 deg. as we can. The wind works its way around but its been pretty consistent. Winds have stayed pretty steady at about 20 knots all afternoon. We had a squall this morning that dumped a lot of rain in a hurry. Of course that was the time that stuff happened that required us both on deck and working so we got a fresh rainwater. We lost a jerry can overboard, I had just popped up on deck and was looking at a cushion that I was afraid might wash overboard when we buried the rail and the deck was awash. One can went over and two more were loose on deck. We caught the other two but just couldn't get to the one that was over. Bob says that this is the first time he's ever had a can wash off deck. We've spent most of last night and today down below, the cockpit has been just too wet to spend much time there. Only a couple of showers but we are bashing into the waves at times and getting a lot of spray. Don't know if its a bad sign that Bob is quoting Becky and saying that "This is a stupid way to travel"?
They say it is lonely out on the ocean but we got a couple visitors last night. I saw a lovely pair of boobies!! Of course they were of the blue-footed variety and kept trying to land on the bow sprit. They never did settle in but they stayed near the boat for several hours. I last saw them towards the end of my watch at about 4 am, they were swooping along and just seemed to be staying nearby. We had a squall a couple of hours later and I'm assuming that they were the smarter of the two parties and turned and went the other way.
We are hoping that the wind settles down just a bit so the seas settle down. Cooking in these condition is an acrobatic endeavor so the meals are staying very simple. (I can almost hear Becky snickering right now). Not much more to report right now. It is an interesting time for me to adjust to not having information and news at my fingertips. Someone please send an email and let us know if anything drastic happens, such as Canada invading Mexico or if the cast of Jersey Shore gets deported. You know, the important news. :)

1 comment:

  1. Bob and Becky's last name doesn't start with Sy does it?

    Life is the same pretty much except they have found the Higgs Boson particle was located and measured so now Stephen Hawking owes Peter Higgs $100. Other than that, nothing of note.
