Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day one

1900 Hawaii time, position N21 30.99, W158 29.42

We headed out about 10:00 am local time this morning. The wind was favorable and we were soon sailing along at about 5.5 knots on a broad reach. It was pretty rolly early on which allowed Bob to pick up on all the little noises that weren't supposed to be there. He kept hopping up and running below to find whatever was rolling around in the cabinets and wedge something in there to stop the banging. We had a beautiful sail for the first few hours. Eventually the wind shifted due to the bend around the island so were weren't able to hold the direction we wanted and then we hit a hole in the wind and had to fire up the engine to work our way through. We found the wind and now have 20 - 25 knots and have had to reduce sail.
Thinking about getting some dinner made and then I'm going down for a nap so I can relieve Bob at midnight.
We did manage to connect up with the Pacific Seafarers Net and get checked in for the voyage.

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